Toxic positivity, or the power of optimism by force
An exceptionally intense day at work? Another failed job interview or a difficult breakup – and you hear: “You need to think positive!” or
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An exceptionally intense day at work? Another failed job interview or a difficult breakup – and you hear: “You need to think positive!” or
As a psychotherapist working with adults on the autism spectrum, I’ve observed how traditional therapeutic approaches sometimes miss the mark in addressing their unique
Have you ever felt lonely despite sharing your life with someone close to you? Experiencing loneliness in a relationship is much more common than
Do you know someone who, despite his adult age, reacts like a small child? Maybe it’s your partner who gets offended every time something
Do you happen to “drift off” during important conversations? Do you lose things even though you just put them somewhere? Or does your child
Would you like to fix the whole world? Support anyone who is worse off? Are you unable to refuse help, even when you are
Is there an anxiety so severe that it locks us out of the house? It turns out that yes – it is experienced by
Relationship dynamics are often based on predictable patterns. Unfortunately, they are not always conducive to proper communication and building healthy bonds. The drama triad
It is human nature to need both novelty and stimulation, as well as security. In order to dare to step out of one’s comfort
Czy masz wrażenie, że przeszłe zdarzenia nie mogą dać Ci spokoju? Jesteś uwięziona w pułapce ciągłego rozmyślania o tym, co było? Analizujesz każde wypowiedziane
Życie jest nieprzewidywalne. Codziennie mierzymy się z wyzwaniami, na które nie zawsze jesteśmy gotowe. Te nagłe zmiany potrafią przytłoczyć. Możemy poczuć się zagubione i
Ludzie bardzo różnią się między sobą – jedni zdają się łatwo pokonywać wszelkie przeszkody i kroczą śmiało przez życie, inni za to są przytłoczeni