iwona izbicka

Iwona Izbicka


Iwona Izbicka - Google - Nowe Widoki
Iwona Izbicka - stars - Nowe Widoki

My name is Iwona Izbicka. Life has already proved to me that there are situations in which a person needs help. At the same time, it has taught that really only he can save himself, once he learns how to do it. That’s why, after graduating from psychology, I started studying at a school of psychotherapy in the cognitive-behavioral CBT current.

I work solution-focused, using empirically proven working methods (that’s what CBT is all about), engage the patient and rely on mutual cooperation and commitment.

I am very concerned about the quality of the work I do, hence I work under supervision, that is, under the care of a more experienced psychotherapist.

How do I work?

  • poznawczo i behawioralnie,
  • gdzie fundamentem jest zaufanie i zrozumienie
  • oraz holistyczne i indywidulane podejście do każdego pacjenta
  • z zawiązanym przymierzem terapeutycznym.

My education:

  • University of Economics in Poznań, Faculty of Management,
  • SWPS University in Warsaw, Faculty of Psychology
  • School of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy CBT-EDU Center in Warsaw, 4-year training in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (currently in the 2nd year of training)

And privately?

  • I like forest, trips to mountain valleys
  • I often spend time with my family
  • There are times when I lose myself in reading books
  • I have learned to observe people because I have many years of experience working in corporations at various levels